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    Aries is the first Zodiacal sign in the horoscope. The Sun starts its motion along the Zodiacal circle from the constellation of Aries. Representatives of this sign also strive for the leadership in every aspect. They are egoistical, straightforward, energetic and full of enthusiasm.

    Being the first Zodiacal sign, Arians are called “astral infants” in the astrology. Their naivety, spontaneity and emotionality strike to the marrow of bones sometimes. They behave like crybabies even at a mature age.

    Arians are really single-minded and active people. Their resolution is so profound that they blaze everything in the path to their goals and stick at nothing. Mars, which rules over Arians, provides the firmness, aggressiveness and quickness off the mark. And the Fire element shows itself strikingly giving them the ardour, inner spark and joviality.
    It hardly happens that they hold back emotions inside. Normally, Arians are ostentatious and prefer leading an active lifestyle. Many Arians are passionate and are notable for the hypersexuality.

    Arians are joyous people, who love themselves and enjoy enslaving hearts of the opposite sex. They are notable for the sharpness, impulsivity, strength and alertness in sports, at work and in private life. They always strive for the best place in the sun.

    Arians strike for proving their pre-eminence and hardly consider the opinion of people around. They are self-sufficient and real powerhouses.

The most compatible Zodiacal signs – Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Incompatible signs – Cancer and Capricorn
Element – Fire
Patron planet – Mars
Quality – cardinality
Sign of Chinese horoscope corresponding to Aries – Dragon
Part of a body - head
Luck bringing colours– red, orange, crimson, scarlet
Fortunate days – Tuesday and Sunday
Flowers – hawthorn, violet, sweet pea
Lucky figure – 4

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