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Horary astrology.

The horary astrology gives answers to specific questions with respect to various subjects – the foretelling, looking for decisions or solutions to awkward situations. It is possible to define with the horary chart if the certain event happen or not or to know the result of the planned function. Question can be of any nature, for instance «Am I pregnant?», «Will I get married this year?», «Will my bracelet be found?», «Is it worth landing a new job?», «Will the surgery be a success?», «Does my boyfriend love me?», «Am I being told the truth?», « Is it worth going for a trip?». Also, the horary astrology helps to find the lost people and things.
The horary chart gives replies to everyday routine questions connected with the nearest future. Question of a general nature are replied by other divisions of the astrology – the natal and predictive astrology.

Guidelines with respect to questions:
1.    The question, which you address to an astrologer, shall trouble you and be your actual problem of vital importance. When asking the question, specify the exact time, date and place of its origin.
2.    When asking the question, you shall tell out details and describe the situation connected with the question. For instance, when asking about somebody’s attitude towards you, describe the way this person is related to you.
3.    The question shall be specific, concisely worded, clear and simple. General statements will not do.

Correct questions – «Will I and my girlfriend get married?», «Will I go to Moscow?», «Will relationship get spoiled in case I tell a lie?», «Will I have a baby within the nearest 2 years?», «Does my husband have a mistress?»
Incorrect questions – «Will we get married or break up?», «Will I go to Moscow or not?», «May relationship get spoiled in case I tell a lie?», « Will I have a baby?», «May my husband have a mistress?»
So the horary astrology provides specifics and is an enormous boon for the solution of a number of problems arising in day-to-day life.

It is possible for you to take our astrologer’s advice here at our forum!

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