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Planets in the Astrology. Venus.

Venus has played a major role in the horoscope since ancient times. It is considered a «fair» planet and even called «minor happiness». It provides the happiness, joy and love.

Music and art, beauty and harmony, pleasures and aesthetic sensitivity, womankind and married life, comfort and coziness as well as the body fairness are ruled by Venus.

Taking into consideration a position of Venus in the horoscope, it is possible to get to know the way a person expresses his love and if a person is gifted in the area of creative work and art. Venus gives an idea of the nature and character of partnership as well as of the life sphere, in which a person tends to have the partnership.

In case Venus is located favorably and is in a strong position in the horoscope, a person will long for the harmony both in the outer and inner world. It is easy for him to establish relations in his personal and public life. Strong Venus provides peaceableness and romanticism, eye appeal and refined taste, charm and magnetism, beauty and shape sensitivity, hang for the art. All the best feminine qualities - tenderness, sensuality, gracefulness, attractiveness – will be possessed by a lady having strong and harmonious Venus.

In case of weak Venus in the negative aspect, we face the lewdness, laziness, longing for primitive pleasures, selfishness and propensity for jealousy. It is difficult to build relations with other people as such a person applies exclusive standards to other people and low ones to himself. This person is greedy, slovenly, prone to sponging and timeserving.

As for a person’s body, Venus is responsible for urogenital and excretory systems, veins and vessels. Illnesses under Venus are venereal and kidney diseases as well as the pancreatic diabetes.
Venus’s day of the week – Friday.
Metal – copper.
Minerals - sapphire, beryl, cornelian, chrysolite, coral.
Colour – pink.
Age interval being under Venus - from 15 to 21 y.o.

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