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Planets in the Astrology. Pluto.

     Pluto represents the might, bondage, spiritual devotions, which run into obsessions sometimes. It rules over the natural disasters, calamities, earthquakes, floods and tsunami. The destructive power of Pluto gives rise to murders, terrorism, mass riots. It influences all major societies, mass communication media and large-scale organizations. Pluto is a planet of the destructions, liquidation and transformation.
    This planet was discovered recently – in 1930. And astrologers still have been studying the influence of Pluto in a person’s horoscope. It is even considered that Pluto’s influence is so mysterious and inexplicable that we are not able to understand it correctly at present.

     Strong and harmonious Pluto in the horoscope provides the inner strength and persistence, attractiveness and yearning for coming to the essence of the matter, keenness of observation as well as urge towards wielding power and ruling over other people. Such people tend to attain a high place in life. They may have healing or magic abilities. Also, they do not experience fear of any hardship and gloomy depths, possess a gift for the suggestion and tremendous creative potential and are able to change their life completely.

    Weak and affected by negative aspects Pluto provides the propensity for the sadism and tyranny, urge towards taking control over everything, offhandedness, fanaticism and disruptiveness. Such person depresses people around him and denies authorities. He is not able to withstand subconscious attractions and faces periods of the severe apathy and depressions.

    As for a human body, Pluto is responsible for the genital organs and ability to regenerate as well as for undisclosed reserves and recourses of the body. Pluto’s illnesses are manias, schizophrenias, obsessions and genital organs’ diseases.

Pluto’s metals – plutonium, titan.
Minerals – beryl, nephrite, sardonyx, amazon-stone.
Colour – reddish-orange, bordeaux.
Taste – synthetic.

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