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Planets in the Astrology. Jupiter.

    Jupiter is considered a «fair» planet in the astrology, which provides the happiness and affluence. But it cannot be said that this planet brings only the good, it is responsible for any development both positive and negative depending on a position in the horoscope. Not only the wheat but also a useless weed grows thanks to the sunlight.

    Jupiter symbolizes ideals and the purport of life of a person as well as his advancing and development, prosperity and morality, generosity and optimism, wealth and success, faith and hope. Taking into consideration a position of Jupiter in the horoscope, it is possible to define the area of activity for a person to be successful and feel wealthy and happy.

    Jupiter represents all the best qualities of the personality - kind-heartedness, morality, wisdom, dignity, honor, fairness and urge towards the good.

    In case Jupiter is strong being in a harmonious aspect, it provides the high morality and ethics, expansion and development of the consciousness, strong self-belief and sincere faith in life. Such person strives for being of value to the society and bringing the good to people. He is merciful, dependable and able to forgive and learn the higher sense of things around and the world’s order.

    In general, Jupiter brings the happiness and good luck in life exactly to the extent to which a person has faith in himself and his own resources and trusts the world in areas being under Jupiter in the horoscope.

    Weak and problematically positioned Jupiter provides the self-admiration and top-heavy self-appraisal, greed for money and vanity, thirst for the authority, wastefulness, glut and intemperance for pleasures as well as aiming at the moon. A person is prone to break the law. He is impatient and superstitious and it is easy for him to use people around for his own ends.

    As for organs and parts of a human body, Jupiter is responsible for the liver and adipose tissue as well as partly for the endocrine system. Jupiter’s illnesses are the obesity, all tumors both malignant and benign, liver diseases, weakening of the energy circulation and compulsive thoughts.

Jupiter’ day of the week – Thursday.
Metal – tin.
Minerals – beryl, jacinth.
Colour – purple and all its tints.
Age interval being under Jupiter - from 57 to 68 y.o.

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