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Magic properties of stones: diamond, ruby and emerald.

Vital energy in a stone

Precious stones are the concentrated energy of the earth element, which is mixed with energies of other basic elements at some ratio or other. They are of the great might. As for magic as well as a number of occult traditions and religions of the world, precious and semiprecious stones are held in high respect as if they are specific living creatures. Certain magic rites are carried out over precious stones, after which they gain special mystic power. And stones charged in that particular way are capable of healing of incurable illnesses or drawing the death and having an influence on the web of life of a person or even nations. Stones origin from the underground world, which has its own laws and way of existence. It is a parallel world accessed by magicians, visionaries and other sensitive people. And stones act as conductors to other worlds. In the days of old stones were worn not only as jewelries but also as talismans that protected from evil powers and brought good luck. Moreover, different stones correspond to different chakras of the human energy structure therefore stones were worn at the level of those chakras to ensure protection. Nowadays, stones keep acting as talismans even if a person wearing stone jewelries is unsuspicious of such properties or doesn’t believe in that. Being nervous or under a stress, many people trifle with their earrings, bracelets, medallions and beads or fiddle with a ring worn on the finger paying no heed to that more often than not. As a result a person activates the stone’s power intuitively and wins its energy support. Precious stones gain much more power with the increase of years. Bloodline stones passed on by right of succession are valued highly and more than usual. Bloodline stones retain the ancestors’ energy, which protects from evil, brings good fortune and helps to rejuvenate and recover the mental balance. Such ancient stones of rich history remember much and may reveal some information of great importance to their owners. A bloodline stone does not fall in just anybody’s hands but chooses itself a person to stay with or leave.


In old times a diamond was called a king among precious stones and it was considered that only kings, great priests and magicians were able to wear diamonds with impunity. It is no accident that the treatment of the diamond took such a turn. The diamond is a stone ruled by Venus. Venus is responsible for Anahata chakra (the heart). Luxury, beauty, wealth, pleasures and all art forms are under Venus. The diamond is of masterful, self-willed and whimsical nature. It is up to the diamond to choose an owner, who falls under its control. And the diamond’s friendly attitude may be won by a real powerhouse only. This stone tries its owner for some time taking his measure to decide if an owner is worth giving him good fortune or otherwise leading into a scrap. Even in case an owner is in the diamond’s good looks, this stone starts exerting its favorable influence over him only seven years later. Before that the diamond stays kind of «asleep», which means it exerts no influence or negative influence. To enjoy the diamond’s full-blast favour, it shall be acquired by fair means only, shall be presented or inherited. If blood was shed and crimes were committed for the diamond, it bears the negative karma that is passed on to its owner. In case there are some black inclusions in the diamond, it shall not be owned by an ordinary person as it will bring misfortunes only. Black magicians only are capable of being in possession of such a stone. Looking closely at the diamond, choose perfectly clear and solid stones having no flows and inclusions.


A ruby is a stone ruled by the Sun, which is a kinglike planet holding a supreme position in the astrology. The Sun is associated with the fourth finger. Sahasrara chakra (the crown) is under this planet. Not all but just a few people are able to wear the ruby on the head as that may be dangerous for health. Therefore it is recommended to wear this stone on the fourth finger mostly. The passionate element of fire and hot energy of the sunlight are manifested in the ruby. It is suitable for people of strong fire signs in the horoscope – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. But since the ruby is a conductor of the fire element, this stone is not recommended to be worn by tough, viperous, irascible and hot-tempered people as the ruby may intensify these negative qualities. Also, the ruby disagrees with corpulent and hypertensive people as it may precipitate a cerebrovascular accident. The ruby is rather a commanding stone holding power - just like the diamond. However, the ruby is of gentler and kinder nature (in comparison with the diamond). It may bring happiness and good luck to ordinary people provided its owner is a virtuous and honest person. The ruby is a stone of faithfulness, honesty, love and fairness so it punishes its owner with severity for the disloyalty, dishonest actions, cruelty and deception. The ruby is a personal incorruptible judge of its owner and the stone incarnation of conscience. It fulfills the dearest wishes, ensures a victory and brings every happiness to people with fair intensions. The ruby shall be framed in gold, which is also under the Sun. The ruby’s power is invigorated additionally by gold. This stone looses much of its power if there is a hole in it so the ruby necklace’s energy is minor. The ruby shall be flawless and solid to function as a magic talisman.


An emerald is ruled by Mercury, which is a planet of intellect, intuition, keen insight, wisdom, wealth and talents. It is noted that the emerald brings good luck in trade and business negotiations so from time immemorial oriental merchants like wearing this stone. Since Mercury is associated with the little finger, the emerald is normally worn on this very finger. Also, the emerald is responsible for Vidshuddha chakra (the throat) so it will do you good if you wear the emerald on your neck. The emerald is considered a cold stone therefore it is mostly recommended for residents of southern countries. However, actually its «coldness» is by no means associates with the actual cold but rather with cool mind. This stone cools down unwarranted passions and makes it possible to take a sober view of things and don’t lose self-control. The emerald has a beneficial effect on health, in particular on the heart and hormonal system. This stone improves the memory and concentration abilities. Also, it favours the development of oratory abilities and the gift of the grab. If a solid stone subjected to a magic rite is used, such emerald becomes a direct and clear conductor to other worlds, makes it possible to gain sight of the future and the past as well as develops mystic abilities of its owner.

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